A daily devotion

Now, enjoy one of the world's all-time favorite books as it challenges you in your daily walk with God.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

True Strength

"PLIABLE: Perhaps you are right. But don’t be so critical; if what
good Christian says is true, then the things that he seeks after are
better than ours; my heart is inclined to go with my neighbor.
OBSTINATE: What! Are there more fools than one? Let what I 
say over power you and go back. Who knows where such a 
brain-sick fellow will lead you? I insist, go back, go back, and be wise.
CHRISTIAN: Come with me neighbor Pliable. There are such
things to be had which I spoke of, and many more glories besides.
If you do not believe me, then read here in my book; for assuredly
the truth of what is expressed in these pages has been fully
confirmed by the blood of he who wrote it.
PLIABLE: Well neighbor Obstinate, I begin to come to a point
of decision. I intend to go along with this good man, and throw
in my lot with him. But, my good companion, do you know the
way to this desirable place?
CHRISTIAN: I have been directed by a man whose name is
Evangelist, to hasten toward a little gate that is before us, where
we will receive further instruction about the way ahead.
PLIABLE: Come then, my good neighbor, let us be on our way.
So both of them went on together.
OBSTINATE: And I will go back to my own place. I will be no
companion of such misled, fantastical fellows." 
John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress

Obstinate reminds me of a young brash buffoon. He is a bully that needs to have power to feel comfort, this shows how weak he really is.

Robert Lewis Stevenson in his essay 'Crabbed Age and Youth wrote, "Those who go to the devil in youth, with anything like a fair chance, were probably little worth saving from the first; they must have been feeble fellows - creatures made of putty and pack-thread, without steel or fire, anger or true joyfulness, in their composition; we may sympathise with their parents, but there is not much cause to go into mourning for themselves; for to be quite honest, the weak brother is the worst of mankind."

On the opposite side was Saul. Saul was a fiery pharisee! He was a pharisee among pharisees! His zeal was known throughout the region. He was full of anger,steel and fire. He was a rampaging wild beast, who in his hateful opposition to the disciples of the Lord did all that was necessary, including murder.  It was this man that God chose to lead His church. 

No other man on earth has been more responsible for shaping the modern church's theology and beliefs than Saul from Tarsus. We know him now as Paul. He wrote thirteen of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. This is a man that never walked with Jesus. He did not have the benefits of what Peter or the others had. This man who started out as its most sworn enemy became the Churches champion.

How did Saul change? What captivated him so? Lady Powerscourt put it this way, “If we want to be thoroughly hot with zeal, we must go near to the furnace of the Saviour’s love.” 

"Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest  and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.  As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”  “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied.  “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” Acts 9

How is your zeal? Do you need to catch on fire? Get closer to God and His love will set you ablaze!

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